Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Legalize Everything and Tax Whats Bad For You Many Americans are going to do what they want to do, if they want to do drugs, they are going to do drugs, if they want to eat fast food, they are going to eat fast food. We all know that some drugs are bad for you and that some food is really unhealthy for you. But for the United States Government to try to impose its will on the people has backfired and created an industry that tries to take advantage of a system that doesn't have to be taxed or regulated, I'm not talking about the food industry but the drug industry. We should create a system in which we legalize all drugs but tax the drugs to their full limit, and then use that tax money to create centers that help with drug problems and fund the police. Same thing with the fast food industry many people eat unhealthy, so its no surprise when they get sick or obese. But if we taxed the fast food industry and use that tax money to pay for obesity research or to give tax breaks to those who sell healthier foods then we might start seeing a change in America.

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