Friday, April 26, 2013


President Obama defended Planned Parenthood today in a televised speech and I am proud that he took on its critics. Here is a video.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Rush Limbaugh Downfall

Ever since Rush Limbaugh made despicable remarks about Sandra Fluke, calling her a "slut" and "prostitute", he has felt the wrath of the American public. The American public figured that the FCC wouldn't do anything about it so they went for the next best thing, advertisers. It seems to have worked because Clear Channel (Rush Limbaughs parent company) has said they have lost money because of his show. Rush Limbaugh recently on his show acknowledged the boycott that was happening, so that probably means its working.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Vice Journalists

If you ever want to see journalism at its finest, instead of watching Fox News or other opinionated new programs watch this show.

Need for Infrastructure Spending

Many Republicans think that by investing in America we are digging ourselves into more debt, we would rather send billions overseas than spend it in America. I would rather see pork projects built in America, I call it pork because that is what Republicans think investing in America is. The Republicans are fine spending billions when it comes to making the rich comfortable but when it comes to improving infrastructure to make the middle class more efficient it is a waste of money.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Overturning Citizens United

Ever since the Supreme courts ruling on Citizens United, which opened the flood gates to donors who did not have to disclose information about who they were when they contributed to political parties, many Americans weren't happy. That is why Senator Ron Wyden and Lisa Murkowski unveiled a bipartisan bill called the Follow the Money Act which would make it so that any group that spends at least 10,000 dollars on electoral activity has to register and disclose contributions above 1,000 dollars.

Border Security

Lawmakers need to start touring the border between Mexico and the United States. Some lawmakers who are part of the immigration reform process need to start touring El Paso, Tx and San Diego, CA the two cities that made it on the safest cities list. Those two cities were not affected at all during the drug war that was happening in Mexico, both cities had Juarez and Tijuana as neighbors, the two most dangerous cities to live in. They need to stop talking tough about border security and see what cities like El Paso, and San Diego are doing to bring down the crime.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Prosecutor Aggression

Prosecutors are supposed to be the good guys in the court, they are supposed to make sure the bad guys are locked up. They bring charges against them, and they make sure that those who broke the law pay a price. But recently some prosecutors are going overboard when a comes to bringing charges against individuals who have not committed the biggest crimes. They won't go after bankers who almost tanked the economy but they will go after an individual who believed the the freedom of information online.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Cold War is Over

Many Americans need to realize that the Cold War is over, Russia is not a communist state anymore, it hasn't been a communist state since 1991. Many lawmakers still think that Russia is still our enemy, many of them need to be updated on the current situation. Russia and the United States face the same problems, and the biggest one is terrorism. So these lawmakers shouldn't worry about petty differences America and Russia have, especially when it comes to the rights of individuals. America does not have the best record when comes to individual rights and neither does Russia, but both countries are learning from mistakes. Both countries should concentrate on terrorism now that both have been affected by it.