Thursday, March 14, 2013

Congressional Punishment

We elect our congressional representatives to fight for what we need in our cities and counties and to create new laws. We also elect them on the ideology they campaign on. But we don't elect them to be divisive figures in Congress. When congressional ideology gets in the way of bettering America and Americans pay the price for something not getting done, then it is time to pass a law that punishes congressional inactivity. I would like a law that creates a panel in in congress that has no party affiliation that negotiates Democratic and Republican bills. If some congressional representatives have a problem with the bill they have to give a reason why and give information on how it would affect their constituents. If the excuse to block the bill doesn't make sense, then he has no authority to vote no. If he does vote no on the bill and others vote no and Americans start losing jobs because the bill didn't pass, Congressional pay should go down by law.

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