Friday, February 8, 2013

The 2nd Amendment We have had a great debate in this country about gun rights. Both parties are afraid to touch the subject, but it seems like the ice is starting break. As more death mounts because of guns, and people are mistakenly killed because of guns, people are starting to do some soul searching. How good is the 2nd Amendment right when it takes away your first Amendment right.
The Immigration Debate During the early 1980s there was in influx of undocumented immigrants living in the United States. Many of those immigrants got a chance of the American dream when President Reagan passed the Amnesty act in 1986. What they didn't do was enforce the border. That led many more people to come illegally and become part of this country. Many of those people were kids who had no idea they were illegal. Many of them started realizing they were illegal when they couldn't work, get a driving permit or when they applied for financial aid. Today we call them the "Dreamers", this young people have fought so hard to become part of this nation, because this nation was ingrained into them. In school they learned about the civil rights, women rights, and what it takes for this nation to wake up and realize that something is not right.
The Drone Debate Drones are the new way of warfare, many countries are going to start developing this type of weapons. The United States took the lead in developing the weapons, but soon the world is going to be using them. Now does that mean we are going to have new international laws or have some sort of boundaries.
The Arming of Rebels The United States has always been the nation that helps spread democracy. It helps the countries who seek it, like Egypt, Libya. But when it comes to arming rebels to help fight for their democracy its a tough stance, because some of this rebels are not friendly to our nation. So when our President makes the choice of not to arm the rebels in Syria, you have to wonder if that is a good judgement. Because a bad judgement will come back and bite us, like Al Qaeda during the Cold War.
Too Much on His Plate Obama has had to much to do at once, he had nominations, immigration, gun control, and the budget. You can't say this president isn't doing what this country needs. If only he had a congress that could meet him half way to deal with a lot of this issues.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Cyber Security I think its time for the United States to overhaul its hacking laws. Many innovators have been over prosecuted for in my opinion misdemeanor crimes. One of those great minds was Aaron Schwartz, he was an innovator, he wanted to make some intellectual files available to the public. But sadly that landed him in the cross hairs of the fiercest prosecution in the country.
The Republican Party Block Todays Republican party is filled with so many lobbyist that they don't have room to breath when it comes to voting for legislation. They can't raise taxes without feeling heat, or pass reasonable gun control legislation without the NRA approving the legislation. They are always praising Ronald Reagan, but at least Reagen new that there needed to be compromise.
Senator McCain the Hypocrite Senator McCain has all of a sudden become one of the fiercest Obama critics out there. Especially because of the handling of the Benghazi tragedy. Well what I would say to him is where was he when they didn't find weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. Now that is a true cover up Senator, don't try to score political points on a sad situation.
The Politics of Security America has been one of the toughest countries to deal with terrorism. The Obama administration has been very tough and yet he doesn't get the respect he deserves. He has dealt a blow to AL Qaeda, they used to be one single entity in Afghanistan and Pakistan but now they are separated cells across northern Africa. To say he is not tough is a lie, just look at the people who are protesting against him for his drone strikes.
The Immigration Affect It has always fascinated me how immigrants assimilate to the the American society. It starts with Hispanics, some of them were brought not knowing a lick of English but through time there Spanish left them. But that is just part of America it integrates you to one of the best societies in the world.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

The Alienation of Minorities George w. Bush once got 44 percent of the Hispanic vote. He understood that they were a big priority because he came from Texas. Todays Republicans don't think the same, when the word Hispanic comes up, they think invaders. It surprises me because they have no understanding of the Southwest and how it was before the Mexican-American war.
The New Way of Politics Today there is a new way in which Americans get involved in politics. Thanks to social media it has grown it is more concentrated to a lot of people. The Democrats have done a great job of getting the people who would have never voted and explained to them the consequences of there actions. What I intend to do with this blog is help people understand whats going on in politics.