Friday, March 22, 2013
Sleeping Giant
As Obamacare makes its way to the states, many GOP governors are changing their stance on Obamacare by adopting it. The only state that hasn't adopted it yet is Texas because of its anti-federal government governor Rick Perry. Rick Perrys hard stance against Obamacare is going affect many Texans by denying them good affordable coverage. It is also going to awaken the hispanic voting block, because once they see that the only thing blocking them from getting good insurance coverage is a stubborn governor, (who himself has good coverage thanks to the tax payer) are not going to be pleased.
Economic Boost
Immigrants are essential to the United States, they come here and create businesses out of necessity. With businesses being created the economy grows. Here is an article that specifies how immigrants add to economic growth.
Thursday, March 21, 2013
GOP Pass Budget
The Republicans know how to get attention from the media, they get so much publicity from right and the left. Representative Paul Ryans budget kills the safety net for the poor and yet people aren't troubled by it. Many poor Americans can't pay attention to the budget process because they work and have mouths to feed. I don't think Ryans budget will pass but the media has to do a better job of highlighting better budgets. Like the one progressive democrats passed, it did not get any attention at all from the media and yet it was better in every way because it had spending cuts, investment, and revenue.
O'Reilly Takes on Bachmann
Fox News conservative news anchor Bill O'Reilly took on one of his own, Tea party favorite Michele Bachmann. He got mad at Bachmann because instead of talking about the issues, she talked on how the President lives at the White House. Many Presidents have had a lavish lifestyle, as they should because they are leaders of the free world. Those perks that they are entitled to only last for 4 to 8 years, so I don't see what the big deal is.
White House Petition
Recently I wrote an article about how lawmakers should wear logos of the special interests they represent in congress. Well somebody actually created a petition calling for lawmakers to wear the logos, if the petition gets more than 100,000 signatures the White House has to respond.
Wednesday, March 20, 2013
Media Over-hype
The media has an obsession with conservative commentators. Whenever I turn on the TV I always hear a conservative commentator saying something really dumb about the President or the nation. Whenever they give those insane people time on their networks they are giving them free publicity. Like MSNBC for example they always show Rush Limbaugh, a conservative media favorite saying something they don't agree with and they give him free publicity. If you don't agree with what he is saying don't show him on TV because you are only making him profits.
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
Awkward Situation
Senator Ted Cruz of Texas is a Tea Party favorite, he makes sure the Tea parties ideology is heard on capitol hill. But there is one ideology he really hasn't brought up and that is the birther issue. The Tea party has always thrown that at President Obamas face even though there is plenty of proof that he was born in Hawaii. Ted Cruz on the other hand was actually born in Canada, so his hopes of becoming President in the future are slim.
War Hungry
The United States declared war on Iraq 10 years ago based on a lie, we went to war because our President at the time lied to us about Iraq having weapons of mass destruction. Americans at that time supported President Bush because we had a sense of togetherness and his approval rating was up. Not supporting the war was tough for so many people because they were labeled as un-American, or not supporters of our troops. Today, its a very different story, many Americans have since changed their mind about the war. The war cost us a lot of money and added to our deficit, we lost so many American lives and we really gained nothing out of it. So I hope we learned from this war and hope that in the future we are able to solve our disputes peacefully.
Many Republicans have an unfavorable view of unions, they believe companies should have complete control of their workers and that goes for state governments as well. Unions were created to protect workers from being ripped off by the employers and to protect them from harsh working conditions. When companies don't want to meet the demands of union members, they usually go on strike, and it makes it really hard for companies to make a profit. If the company is a making a lot of profits and workers aren't making good wages I would understand why unions have to go after the company. But if the company is struggling union members usually negotiate to make sure the company stays afloat. Some unions protect people that are essential to our lives like firefighters, cops, and teachers from getting low wages from state and local governments. Many Republican state governments want to do away with unions because they see them as a threat, but as Americans we should understand that some unions have to be protected to save the middle class.
Monday, March 18, 2013
Hispanic Outreach
The Republican plan to reach out to Hispanics is already to late. Many Hispanics share the same point of view with conservatives, but when conservatives start to demean the race and start name calling a lot of these hardworking immigrants, it puts the party in a very difficult position.
Bloomberg Fail
Democrats need to do a better job of not seeming to big government. New York city mayor Micheal Bloomberg didn't do us a favor when he tried to pass a ban on big drinks you get at convenient stores. Even I agree that is to much government, your never going to be able to regulate what people put in their stomachs. If anything just tax the drinks more and use the money to fund obesity research.
Voter ID Backfire
Many Republicans think that by passing voter id laws in many states its going to keep the minority vote down and Republicans might have a chance on winning the state. All I could say is go ahead and pass those laws it is only going to empower the minority vote. More people are going to come out of the shadows to vote, and Republicans are going to lose a lot of the minority votes because of their suppression.
GOP Civil War
CPAC conference showed many Americans that the GOP is not going to change. Many of the speakers are still for the same ideals that lost them elections. Some GOP are trying to change the party for the better, by changing their tune on immigration, taxes, and gay marriage. It was a very tough election for many Republicans and many don't want to be seen as the party for the wealthy few and white old men.
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